Listen to Your Heart



You might say I like to go against the grain. Defy logic. Defy status quo. Defy just about anyone who says I can’t, won’t or shouldn’t be able to do what I’m setting out to do. The truth is the more barriers I face, the more chatter I hear, the more logic I defy; the more I know I’m headed in the right direction.

I’ve defied logic more times than I count. A small town girl from Cody, Wyoming doesn’t say she’s going to move to the big city and work in the music biz. The chatter was heard loud and clear as, “You know, not many people make it into that business.” (Thanks mom, for not being one of them.) Destination set. Destination conquered. In just two short years I WAS working in the music biz and I still do today, nearly 20 years later.

When I saw the music industry begin to transform from what it once was, I again felt my heart call me to entrepreneurship where I started my own music publicity company. Chatter rose up again, “You know you won’t have health insurance.” I do.

“You know you won’t receive a steady paycheck.” Ok, they might have been right on that one.

The truth is there will always be ups and downs in life, no matter who you are. There will always be people who think they know better. There will always be barriers that make you second guess yourself. There will always feel like there are obligations that should take precedence over your own dreams and goals. At the end of the day, the only voice to listen to is the one the speaks to your heart.

Do you know someone who is fighting the path of most resistance? Send them a short text with words of encouragement. Even better, commit to doing that daily for a month. Be their loudest and proudest cheerleader. Tell them, “The only voice to listen to is the one that speaks to your heart.”